City of Youngstown Surplus Vehicles, Trucks, Equipment, and More, Youngstown, OH

Selling vehicles and equipment excess to the needs of various departments in the City of Youngstown.
Mack & Caterpillar Trucks
2018 Ford F550 Super Duty Diesel Truck w/ Hyd Dump Bed
Chevy Malibus
Ford Explorers
International Dump Trucks
Essick Walk Behind Vibratory Roller
Vermeer Wood Chipper
John Deere 755B
Suzuki 450 Quad AX1
500 Gal Fuel Tank, Pipe, Beams
Gates Equip Hose Making Equipment and MORE!
POLICE LIGHTS, DECALS & EQUIPMENT will not transfer, despite being pictured on vehicles!
ANY INVOICES OVER $2,500 to be made payable via certified check to Basinger Auction Service or via wire transfer. All other invoices will be charged to the credit card you registered with. MAKE SURE THERE IS AMPLE ROOM ON YOUR CARD FOR PURCHASES!
Odometer readings are approximate (unless photographed) and not guaranteed by The City, Basinger Auction Service or Bid-Assets.
All titles will be issued by the City of Youngstown within 45 days of purchase date. Basinger Auction Service nor Bid-Assets has no responsibility for the issuance of titles and all questions AFTER 45 days should be deferred to the City.
PREVIEW: Mon., Dec. 9th, 10 am - 12 pm
ONLINE BIDDING ENDS: NEW DATE! TUES., DEC. 10th starting at 6:30 pm
Lot 100s: Street Dept. 1475 Teamster Dr., Youngstown
Lot 200s: Park Dept. at Stambaugh Golf: 202 Gypsy Ln., Youngstown
Lot 300s: Police Maintenance: 116 W. Boardman St., Youngstown
Lot 400s: Waste Water: 725 Poland Ave., Youngstown
Lot 500s: Water Maintenance: 160 N. West Ave., Youngstown
Lot 600s: Lot at Front St., Youngstown & 1401 Albert St., Youngstown
Lot 700s: Covelli Center, back gravel lot: 229 E. Front St., Youngstown
After Auction Pick Up: Thurs.. Dec. 12th, 10 am - 1 pm
NOTE!!! For post auction pick-up - ALL BUYERS must check in at our tent at the Street Department 1st to pay for/pick up keys and bill of sales on titled vehicles. Once you are given the appropriate documentation, then you can go to the location of your item for pick up!
ON TITLED VEHICLES: If you are taking title other than the name on your invoice, please email immediately following the auction with how you are taking title. Please provide your bidder #, the name you are taking title in, the address to mail the title and your phone #.